No al carbone Alto Lazio

24 luglio 2008

18/08/2008. "USA 2020: raggiungere il 100% dell'energia da fonti rinnovabili". Il video del discorso di Al Gore.

Gore parla di un piano ambizioso, eppure possibile. Già solo per questo, il Premio Nobel Al Gore merita un rigraziamento: per aver mostrato come alcune delle vie per un vero miglioramento della nostra condizione siano aperte e percorribili, concretamente, da subito (vedi anche qui e qui)
Su ASPOItalia commentano così:

"non è impossibile ed è la sola speranza che abbiamo di liberarci da una situazione che ci sta distruggendo piano piano. E' incredibile la distanza che c'è fra la visione di Al Gore e quella di tutti i politici di basso livello che non trovano altra via che rifugiarsi nel passato, trivellare di più o ritornare al nucleare.

Fatto oggi, il discorso di Al Gore ha la possibilità di influenzare tutta la campagna elettorale."

Sottoscriviamo in pieno queste considerazioni.
E riportiamo alcuni nodi del discorso di Gore, già citati da ASPO, selezionati da Tyler Hamilton.

"On economic, environmental and national security concerns

"When we look at all three of these seemingly intractable challenges at the same time, we can see the common thread running through them, deeply ironic in its simplicity: our dangerous over-reliance on carbon-based fuels is at the core of all three of these challenges... We’re borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the planet. Every bit of that’s got to change... if we grab hold of that common thread and pull it hard, all of these complex problems begin to unravel and we will find that we're holding the answer to all of them right in our hand. The answer is to end our reliance on carbon-based fuels."
On cost trends for fossil fuels, renewables

Those those who say the costs (of renewables) are still too high: I ask them to consider whether the costs of oil and coal will ever stop increasing if we keep relying on quickly depleting energy sources to feed a rapidly growing demand all around the world. When demand for oil and coal increases, their price goes up. When demand for solar cells increases, the price often comes down. When we send money to foreign countries to buy nearly 70 percent of the oil we use every day, they build new skyscrapers and we lose jobs. When we spend that money building solar arrays and windmills, we build competitive industries and gain jobs here at home."

On importance of grid modernization

"To be sure, reaching the goal of 100 percent renewable and truly clean electricity within 10 years will require us to overcome many obstacles. At present, for example, we do not have a unified national grid that is sufficiently advanced to link the areas where the sun shines and the wind blows to the cities in the East and the West that need the electricity. Our national electric grid is critical infrastructure, as vital to the health and security of our economy as our highways and telecommunication networks. Today, our grids are antiquated, fragile, and vulnerable to cascading failure. Power outages and defects in the current grid system cost US businesses more than $120 billion dollars a year. It has to be upgraded anyway."

On the link between a smart grid and electric cars

"We could further increase the value and efficiency of a Unified National Grid by helping our struggling auto giants switch to the manufacture of plug-in electric cars. An electric vehicle fleet would sharply reduce the cost of driving a car, reduce pollution, and increase the flexibility of our electricity grid."

On the need for a price on carbon

"We could and should speed up this transition by insisting that the price of carbon-based energy include the costs of the environmental damage it causes. I have long supported a sharp reduction in payroll taxes with the difference made up in CO2 taxes. We should tax what we burn, not what we earn. This is the single most important policy change we can make."

On how the U.S. political system is f^%$#$ up

"It is only a truly dysfunctional system that would buy into the perverse logic that the short-term answer to high gasoline prices is drilling for more oil ten years from now. Am I the only one who finds it strange that our government so often adopts a so-called solution that has absolutely nothing to do with the problem it is supposed to address? When people rightly complain about higher gasoline prices, we propose to give more money to the oil companies and pretend that they’re going to bring gasoline prices down. It will do nothing of the sort, and everyone knows it. If we keep going back to the same policies that have never ever worked in the past and have served only to produce the highest gasoline prices in history alongside the greatest oil company profits in history, nobody should be surprised if we get the same result over and over again."

On the thirst for change

"I’ve begun to hear different voices in this country from people who are not only tired of baby steps and special interest politics, but are hungry for a new, different and bold approach."

Finally, on the virtue of being a leader

"It is a great error to say that the United States must wait for others to join us in this matter. In fact, we must move first, because that is the key to getting others to follow; and because moving first is in our own national interest."

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